Telling the fairy tales – it just works

An interesting fact. The day before yesterday I have told my first fairy tale to my daughter. After thinking for a few seconds she took her pants and socks and started to put them on. It works 🙂

The idea to tell the stories to my daughter came to me gradually. After trying it, I can see that often the story or fairy tale helps to overcome the stubbornness of my daughter. The beautiful part is that overcoming is happening by her own will. I don’t make her do something I want. She just matches herself with the characters of the fairy tale and decides what to do herself.

The question is how many fairy tales to tell the kid. You cannot just think of new stories and tell them all the time. But this is not necessary either. This is just a way to tell her my wishes when the child is tired, got a bit stubborn, stopped perceiving the information told in any other ways.

A few times this helped against the upcoming tantrums. I will soon tell you a fairy tell which I started telling my daughter a couple of weeks ago – because of the constant issues with her crying and naughtiness in the kindergarten. Believe it or not, but it helped. There is much less of crying in the kindergarten now and the teachers there do not complain anymore.

So visit us again! Stay tuned for new fairy tales!