Why Smile With Kids

A father who has three kids (and a wife of course) and wants the best for them. As simple as that.

It is not always easy to take care of the little ones, you know that. My two-and-a-half daughter is getting through the hard times – she is becoming older, learning to be smarter and wanting more from this life. That’s all great but sometimes this goes to a different direction than her father wanted 🙂

She may not want to go to the kindergarden, she may not want to dress herself or brush her teeth. I don’t want to make her do that. I want to make her want to do that.

What has sometimes helped me to do this is talking to her. And especially successful option was telling a story – a little fairy tale. This way I talked her in to feel better in the kindergarden. And to pick up the toys she had on the floor. And many more. But it wasn’t organized. I was creating the stories on the fly, and they were not always working, not always interesting enough and not always reaching her little heart.

This is why I have set a goal for myself – create little teaching stories for her that work. Tell them on different occasions. And make it easier for her.

I also want to share this with you. To inspire you create your own stories. To help your kids and you. To make your parenting and their childhood easier. Good luck!